
Following the death of a loved one

The death of a loved one brings a physical separation from someone we hold dear, and this fills us with grief and a sense of loss. The Church is here to support you in whatever way we can, and we hope that the following might be of help.

To discuss funeral arrangements please contact the Revd Martin Cox: 01942 883313 or Team Clerk: Susie Mallon 07873 149627

1. Sunday Services.

On the Sunday following the funeral your loved one will be remembered by name at all of our Sunday services, and if you would like to attend one of these you would be made most welcome.

2. Lighting a candle.

In our memorial chapel, there is a votive candle stand. Please feel free to light a candle there as a prayer of your departed loved one and perhaps also for yourself.

3. The Memorial Book.

In the chapel we have a memorial book bearing the names of departed loved ones and every year at the time of their anniversaries they are remembered by name at all of our Sunday services. If you would like us to add the name of your loved one to the book for a modest fee of £10, please have a word with one of our sidespersons.

4. All Saint’s Sunday.

Once a year, on the Sunday around 1st November at 10.15am a special service takes place where departed loved ones are remembered by name and their families have the opportunity to light a candle in their memory. If you would like to know more, please contact Team Clerk: Susie Mallon. 07873 149627

5. Talking to someone.

Would you like to talk to someone in confidence about your loved one’s death? If so please do not hesitate to have a word with the minister conducting the funeral service, or contact the Revd Martin Cox: 01942 883313

May God strengthen and uphold you and your family, and grant your loved one a place in his kingdom.


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