Sunday Club 19th November 2017

Today we taught the parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin; which both a similar meaning. We recapped what a parable was at the start of the session.

Retal read the story of the Lost Sheep and Karam the Lost Coin. Using the information from the Lions Childrens Bible we explained the meaning of these parables. That is that God loves us deeply and cares personally for us as individuals. We are valuable to Him and He will seek far and wide to bring us back home to Him. When the one who is lost returns, the Good Shepherd receives him back with Joy, and he does not rejoice alone.

After the stories Audrey hid a coin in the vestry and the children looked high and low to find it. As the searched continued a minor clue was given that in the story the cat was sat on the missing coin while its owner was searching for it. Eventually Karam lifted Christines foot to find the missing coin under her boot. I must stress at this point there isn't any similarity between the cat and Christine!

Our craft project today was to make a sheep using the centre of a paper roll, pipe cleaners and cotton wool ( and plenty of glue stick). The picture below shows the very pretty sheep made by Retal.

The children had a short time to colour a picture of the farmer having a party with his sheep and they took home further colouring and wordsearch puzzles.


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