Sunday Club 17th September 2017

Todays teaching was about how Jesus healed ten men who had Leprosy. This followed on from last weeks teaching about how Jesus healed a woman with a bad back.

We talked about how people at the time treated these men badly due to fear of becoming ill themselves.

When the ten men shouted to Jesus to help them and make them well; Jesus said a special prayer and they were healed. He then sent them away to show the priest that they were healed.

A key part to this story was that nine men walked away to see the priest after being healed and only one man turned back and rushed back to Jesus to thank Him.

During the story the children had a chain of paper men which they coloured on one said to represent the men when they had Leprosy and on the other side, showing the men smiling as they were healed. The photographs below which were drawn by Retal and Karan show the man who was happy and thanked Jesus for making him well.

We also talked about the other people today involved in healing us; including doctors, nurses, family, clergy etc.

At the end of the Sunday Club session we sang the following song and played musical instruments (tune: Skip to my Lou) and then said a prayer:

Jesus the healer - He is my friend (point to yourself)

Jesus the healer - He is yourt friend (point to someone else)

Jesus the healer - He is our friend (point to everyone)

He is our friend forever (roll your hands around each other to indicate 'forever'.

Prayer: Dear Lord, Please heal and wrap your loving arms around anyone who is ill at this time and give strength to those who care for them. Amen



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