Sunday Club 26th November 2017

Following Jesus’ Way.

Today's teaching was about following Jesus' way. Audrey led the session and it was lovely to have her two Grandchildren; James and Max with us.

The story of Two Builders was read between the four children present. This was about one builder building his home on rock and another on sand.

The Meaning being that :  Jesus is the wise builder and we should always try to follow his example and do what is right.

Remember : Things go wrong when we don’t do all the things God wants us to.

Life is all about the choices we make. Sometimes our choices may be easy or hard and sometimes difficult but we should always try to choose the right way.

Using situation pictures we talked about right choices – linking it to appropriate behaviour in life, church and Sunday Club. During this section the children spoke about how we should behave and their choices were added to a poster called 'Sunday Club Promises'. (Shown below) Between the group we developed a brief Sunday Club prayer; which we said together at the end of our session in the vestry.

Heavenly Father, watch over our Sunday Cluband help us to do what is right and work in Your name. Amen.

The children also made and decorated a paper house in the style of the house built on rock and carried out a word search puzzle. Retal and Max helped Christine to decorate the poster.




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